

Season 9: [UnificationXYZ] (July 2022 ~ June 2023)
Search for My Language!


Name〉 of Our Name is Name



- Prof. Moonkun Lee



Name〉 of my name is Name.


When you call me with my name,

I can’t answer to you:


Because you can’t call my name with Name〉 of Name.



Name〉 of your name is Name.


When I call you with your name,

you can’t answer to me:


Because I can’t call your name with Name〉 of Name.



The reason we can’t love each other with the names is that


Both my Name〉 and your Name〉 can’t reach to Name

with Name〉 of Name.



Name〉 of our name is Name.


When we call each other with our names,

We can’t answer to each other with the names:




Because we can’t call us, together, with Name〉 of Name.

