날짜: 2015-12-03 (목)
주제: SAVE 회의
참여자: MK, YB, SH, OV, SW
기록자: SH
- 릴레이션 오류 케이스 조사하기
2. ITRC 보고서
- 월요일까지 완료
3. 특허문서
- 오늘(12.03 목) 제출
- 12.07 (월) : ITRC 보고서 완료
- 내년 봄 목표 : ITRC와 공고를 내서 3일짜리 교육프로그램 운영
- 전라북도나 전주에서 테스트 후 서울에서 해보기.
- ADONIS로는 비즈니스 모델링을 해야함.
Prof K: Project(ADONIS) (12월 까지)
YB: __________________
WR: __________________
SH: __________________
Olivier: __________________
========================== Olivier 업무 보고 ====================================
3rd Dec 2015 Discussion about HDL graphical problems My goal is to represent HDL diagrams in ADOxx and
in order to do that I need to control the position of the edges to make the
diagram understandable to the user. The solution that was offered to me was to use
"events". When the attribute of the position of the edge is modified
I execute my AdoScript code to compute his new position every time. This
solution is quite complex but I didn't find a suitable way to do that with the
ADOxx library. So, I wrote the code to modify the position and
when I drew the diagram I had no problem and result was as expected. However, when I decided to move objects I got a
surprising result: The attribute of the position is correctly modified
but the screen doesn't show the corresponding edge and only shows the basic
representation of the edge (handle by ADOxx basic libraries). I don't understand why the modification of the
attribute is ignored in that case. Possible reason is that the refreshing function of
the screen only care about the object you move and not the connectors linked
with this object(out of scale). Maybe there is a refreshing function that can solve
that problem but I didn't hear of it yet. Interesting thing is, if you open the notebook and
modify manually each edge and save, then it will update the screen and the
expected result appears! This conclusion shows that the problem is only about
refreshing the screen information according to the position data. My request is to find a way to do it automatically
when user move an object. Thank you, Olivier VILLEQUEY.