글 수 8
2016.06.29 15:04:56 (*.70.193.131)
1. EMS: Emergency Medical Systems
1) Main Theme
- “Ambulances deliver patients to hospitals.”
2) Configuration
- Carrier: 2 Ambulances
- A, B in 911 Center
- Sources: 5 Places
- 2 Houses: A, B
- Resources: 4 Patients
- 2 Patient at House A
- 2 Patient at House B.
- Destination: 3 Hospitals
- A: 2 rooms
- B: 2 rooms
2. Operational Requirements
- One of the patients at each location calls 911 of their status.
- The 911 sends its ambulance to the location.
- Each ambulance moves to the location to transport the patients to hospitals.
- The ambulance follows orders from 911.
- Once two patients at the location get on the ambulance, the ambulance moves to the hospital.
- Each patient will be transported to the appropriate hospital for treatment.
- Once all the patients are properly transported, all the ambulance will return to the 911.
3. Specification: d-Calculus
- EMS=911[AM1∥AM2]∥HA∥HB∥L1[PA1∥PB1]∥L2[PA2∥PB2]
- 911=P(L1 Info).A1(R ̅ ).AM1 out.A1((L1) ̅ ).P(L2 Info).A2(R ̅ ).AM2 out.A2((L2) ̅ ).
- ((A1((getAB) ̅ ).A2((getAB) ̅ )) ⨁_1^1 ((A1((getA) ̅ ).A2((getB) ̅ )) ⨁_2^2 (A1((getB) ̅ ).A2((getA) ̅ )))). AM1 in.AM2 in.exit
- AM1=A(R).out 911.A1(L1).(A1(getAB) ⨁_1^1 (A1(getA) ⨁_2^2 A1(getB))).
- ((in L1.get PA1.get PB1.out L1) ⨁_1^ ((in L1.get PA1.out L1) ⨁_2^ (in L1.get PB1. out L1))).
- ((in HA.put PA1.out HA) ⨁_1^ ((in L2.get PA2.out L2) ⨁_2^ (in L2.get PB2.out L2))).
- ((in HB.put PB1.out HB) ⨁_1^ ((in HA.put PA1.put PA2.out HA) ⨁_2^ (in HB.put PB1.put PB2.out HB))).
- in 911.exit
- AM2=A(R).out 911.A2(L2).(A2(getAB) ⨁_1^1 (A2(getB) ⨁_2^2 A2(getA))).
- ((in L2.get PA2.get PB2.out L2) ⨁_1^ ((in L2.get PB2.out L2) ⨁_2^ (in L2.get PA2. out L2))).
- ((in HB.put PB2.out HB) ⨁_1^ ((in L1.get PB1.out L1) ⨁_2^ (in L1.get PA1.out L1))).
- ((in HA.put PA2.out HA) ⨁_1^ ((in HB.put PB1.put PB2.out HB) ⨁_2^ (in HA.put PA1.put PA2.out HA))).
- in 911.exit
- L1=((AM1 in.AM1 out) ⨁_^1 (AM1 in.AM1 out.AM2 in.AM2 out)).∅^∞
- L2=((AM2 in.AM2 out) ⨁_^1 (AM2 in.AM2 out.AM1 in.AM1 out)).∅^∞
- PA1=P((L1 Info) ̅ ).((AM1 get.AM1 put) ⨁_^1 ((AM1 get.AM1 put) ⨁_^2 (AM2 get.AM2 put))).∅^∞
- PB1=((AM1 get.AM1 put) ⨁_^1 ((AM2 get.AM2 put) ⨁_^2 (AM1 get.AM1 put))).∅^∞
- PA2=P((L2 Info) ̅ ).((AM2 get.AM2 put) ⨁_^1 ((AM1 get.AM1 put) ⨁_^2 (AM2 get.AM2 put))).∅^∞
- PB2=((AM2 get.AM2 put) ⨁_^1 ((AM2 get.AM2 put) ⨁_^2 (AM1 get.AM1 put))).∅^∞
- HA=((AM1 in.AM1 out.AM2 in.AM2 out) ⨁_^1 ((AM1 in.AM1 out) ⨁_^2 (AM2 in.AM2 out))).∅^∞
- HB=((AM2 in.AM2 out.AM1 in.AM1 out) ⨁_^1 ((AM2 in.AM2 out) ⨁_^2 (AM1 in.AM1 out))).∅^∞
4. Step 1: ITL View
5. Step 2: ITS View
6. Step 3: Execution Model
7. Simulation
8. GTS
9. Secure Requirements
- PA1, PA2 must be transported to HA.
- R1: (AM1:get PA1)→((AM1:in HA)<(AM1:put PA1)<(AM1:out HA))
- R2: (AM2:get PA1)→((AM2:in HA)<(AM2:put PA1)<(AM2:out HA))
- R3: (AM1:get PA2)→((AM1:in HA)<(AM1:put PA2)<(AM2:out HA))
- R4: (AM2:get PA2)→((AM2:in HA)<(AM2:put PA2)<(AM2:out HA))
- PB1, PB2 must be transported to HB.
- R5: (AM1:get PB1)→((AM1:in HB)<(AM1:put PB1)<(AM1:out HB))
- R6: (AM2:get PB1)→((AM2:in HB)<(AM2:put PB1)<(AM2:out HB))
- R7: (AM1:get PB2)→((AM1:in HB)<(AM1:put PB2)<(AM2:out HB))
- R8: (AM2:get PB2)→((AM2:in HB)<(AM2:put PB2)<(AM2:out HB))
- AMB must transport all the patients at one location or of a kind.
- R9: (AM1:get PA1)→((AM1:get PB1)∨(AM1:get PA2))
- R10: (AM1:get PB1)→(AM1:get PB2)
- R11: (AM2:get PA2)→((AM2:get PB2)∨(AM2:get PA1))
- R12: (AM2:get PB2)→(AM2:get PB1)
10. GTS Logic