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Season 5: [Meta-Meta] (July 2018 ~ June 2019)
Search for My Language!


<거울 속의 절대각>


                                  - 문 리


거울 앞에서


X Y에게 묻는다, Y는 누구냐고

Y X에게 말한다, Y X라고


역으로거울 속에서


Y X에게 묻는다, X는 누구냐고

X Y에게 말한다, X Y라고




X X에게 자문한다, X 자신이 누구냐고

X Y라고 자답할 수 없다


Y Y에게 자문한다, Y 자신이 누구냐고

Y X라고 자답할 수 없다




X는 오직 Y를 통해서만 존재하는 X

Y 오직 X 통해서만 존재하는 Y




거울 앞에선, X 스스로 X일 수 없다

거울 속에선, Y는 스스로 Y 수 없다


거울의 절대각에선


누구도 스스로 누구일 수 없다





절대각을 통해서만 존재하는 우리


거울 앞에서


X Y에게 묻는다우리가 누구냐고

Y X에게 말한다우리는 우리라고


역으로거울 속에서


Y X에게 묻는다우리는 누구냐고

X Y에게 말한다우리는 우리라고




X X에게 자문한다우리 자신이 누구냐고

X비로소우리 Y라고 자답할 수 있다


Y Y에게 자문한다우리 자신이 누구냐고

Y비로소우리 X라고 자답할 수 있다




X는 오직 우리 Y를 통해서만 존재하는 우리 X

Y 오직 우리 X 통해서만 존재하는 우리 Y




거울 앞에선우리 X 스스로 우리 X일 수 있다

거울 속에선우리 Y도 스스로 우리 Y 수 있다


거울의 절대각에서우리는 항상

스스로 존재하는 우리 자신이 될 수 있다






Absolute Angle on Mirror



- Prof. Moonkun Lee



In front of a mirror, I


Ask you, that is, me in the mirror:

Who are you?

You answer to me:

You are I.


Inversely, in the mirror, you


Ask me in front of the mirror:

Who am I?

I answer to you:

I am you.




In front of the mirror, I

Ask myself:

Who is myself?

I can't answer to myself:

It’s you, that is, me in the mirror.


In the mirror, you

Ask yourself:

Who is yourself?

You also can't answer to yourself:

It’s me, that is, you in front of the mirror.




I in front of the mirror am

I who can exist only through you in the mirror.

You in the mirror are

You who can exist only through me in front of the mirror.


Not a moment,


In front of the mirror,

I can’t be I by myself.

In the mirror,

You can’t be you by yourself.


At the absolute angle on the mirror,

Anyone can’t be anyone by oneself.




We are, always,

We who can exist only through the absolute angle on the mirror.


In front of a mirror, I

Ask you in the mirror:

Who are we?

You in the mirror answer to me in front of the mirror:

We are we.


Inversely, in the mirror, you

Ask me in front of the mirror:

Who are we?

I in the front of the mirror answer to you in the mirror:

We are we.





In front of the mirror, I

Ask myself:

Who are ourselves?

Now, I can answer to myself:

It’s our-you in the mirror.


In the mirror, you

Ask yourself:

Who are ourselves?

Now, you also can answer to yourself:

It’s our-I in front of the mirror.




I in front of the mirror am

Our-I who can exist only through our-you in the mirror.

You in the mirror are

Our-you who can exist only through our-me in front of the mirror.




In front of the mirror,

Our-I can be our-I by myself.

In the mirror,

Our-you can be our-you by yourself.


At the absolute angle on the mirror,

We are, always, can be



Our-we who can exist by ourselves.

